
2021 November 18 - Assemble Connector in Chassis, Finish and Test USB

A project log for NES Cart Kitbash - Ready Player One Inspired

This project hacks the original pins of an NES cart to connect a USB flash drive and bluetooth dongle to a RPi. Emphasis on looks

nolan-mccullochNolan McCulloch 11/18/2021 at 07:050 Comments

The next milestone of this project is to get the Cart with the flash drive and Bluetooth dongle connected back up to the Raspberry Pi and successfully run a simple game rom.  

Ammo Can Chassis Tasks: 

Cartridge Tasks:

System Tasks:

Anticipated Challenges

The big question is even though the USB will be electrically connected, they might not be able to support the file rates needed for the flash drive and bluetooth over some haywire in a box. The backup plan is to just have something that copies over files to a larger medium plugged right into the device bypassing the hack-n-slash. 
