
Build Progress

A project log for Home Robot Named Sophie

A next generation home robot with a omni directional drive unit and 6 axis collaborative robot arm

apollo-timbersApollo Timbers 01/28/2024 at 23:180 Comments

Was able to get the neck motor adaptor designed and printed, went though two revisions as I wanted it to also hold the upper shell in place. The motor assembly is in place for the neck and can tilt up and down quite a bit. I did however break a plastic piece form the USB hubs host port, so I will need to get another. :( I was pulling the wire a bit much, I have a replacement cable that is longer, though the hub will need to be replaced for longevity. It however is coming together nicely.

The directional mic also has it 3D printed shell in place and looks very much to the design spec. 

*Note will need to print a plastic cover for the gears, so no fingers are lost as the worm gear motor combination is very strong. 

 Robot full height (not counting antenna is 4' 8" or 1.42 meters
