
Round Robin messages, minor tweaks, baby #2

A project log for Halo inspired laser tag (LTTO hack)

Bringing Halo style game play to Laser Tag Team Ops

daveverleedave.verlee 05/02/2023 at 03:090 Comments

I drastically improved the way mass messages are shared across the whole system by using (what I'm calling) the round robin method. There is a single path from base to base that goes in a big circle around the whole church. When a base needs to share a message with the whole system, it sends the message tagged as a round robin message, and only sends it to the next base in the circle. It then waits for the message to come back. This process takes less that 50ms and is quite stable. 

I've fixed the way weapons and items are distributed throughout the game. At edit, you can determine how many are available, how quickly the respawn after pickup, what percentage of the game must pass before the item is revealed, whether or not the item is distributed randomly after respawn, or if it should only go to specific bases. 

Radar is now an item that can be picked up. it reveals on the map where items are and where enemies are. 

On April 10th my wife gave birth to our second born, so play testing is slowed but I still find time to make minor code updates every now and then. I would say that the first game mode (Team Slayer) is nearly complete, and I'm wanting to start working on capture the flag next. 
