

A project log for Stand Tall 555

A decorative sculpture using a 555 timer in astable mode to blink and LED.

dennis1a4dennis1a4 12/17/2021 at 14:300 Comments

I created this project to test the waters in circuit sculpture. The circuit is just your basic 555 timer in astable mode.  I tried to pick components that gave the circuit some colour. For power I have a pair of 2016 coin cells in series stacked in a 2032 coin cell holder. The power switch is normally closed so that when the device is off, the button is down and flush with the base. The base is a piece of maple that was cut out using a hole saw (centre drill bit removed). There no source code or schematic to really share. If you want to build your own you can just look at the sculpture or find a generic 555 astable circuit online.
