
Kick off!

A project log for Bike lights with wireless charging

The title says it all

marcinmarcin 12/21/2021 at 23:200 Comments

I regularly get shouted at for cycling at night without lights. The problem is - I have lights. Nice Kryptonite lights, with rechargeable Li-Ion batteries. I just don't charge them often enough.

I don't charge them, because it's a pain to undo those stretchy silicone mounting brackets, carry lights up the stairs, undo fiddly USB port protection gaskets, plug in those micro-USB cables (and who has two microUSB charging stations lying around anyway?).  I know that the next morning I'll most likely forget to grab them, and will have to run back upstairs, in a rush.

I want lights with a decent UX. They don't seem to exist.

My requirements are:

1) Easy, single handed, one second mounting and removal

2) Wireless charging on a Qi pad

3) Everything else that my currents lights do

I like to use FRDPARRC tables to organise my hardware projects and figure out what I need to figure out, so I made one here

Things I need to learn to make this work are:

Things that I know how to do, but just need to think about are:

So the plan is:

  1. Research LEDs, drivers, and Qi charging
  2. Build a quick'n'dirty works-like prototype
  3. Miniaturise it.
  4. Build a looks-like prototype
  5. Integrate
  6. Done.
