
New Motor For Testing At Higher Power Levels

A project log for MTPA_420

A high current, high voltage motor drive for IPM motors. 100kW peak.

px-protoypesPX Protoypes 01/18/2022 at 10:231 Comment

This is a 'HSG' (hybrid starter generator) fitted to Kia Niro and Hyundai Ionic hybrid vehicles.

The motor has the following features that were desirable for this project:

From early experiments the motor has the following specs:

The power connector has been removed and fitted with a 3 core 6mm2 SY cable which fits quite nicely. There is just enough room for a 25mm lock nut on the back of the stuffing gland.

An encoder was temporarily fitted to get the motor spinning. Once PCBs are received to read the resolver the encoder can be removed.

I found a spec for this motor in some Hyundai documentation stating a power of 8kW. I am sure the power could be increased significantly.

Next steps are to build this into a dyno to load the motor and experiment with high power running through the controller.


lost sock army wrote 03/06/2023 at 09:45 point

any progress on a feasible controller for these motors ?  i would love to power a scooter with one.

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