
Jaguar controller wannabe

A project log for Wolf

Use a Jaguar or SNES controller as a joystick and a keypad in Atari 2600 and 7800

danjovicdanjovic 04/03/2022 at 09:390 Comments

I have designed a Jaguar controller board using tactile switches. The directional, action, option and pause buttons were placed so the board could fit under the upper cover of the body of a broken ps/2 controller.

To get around the limitation of Eagle (100mm wide) the left side of the PCB with the action buttons were rotated and translated to the right side of the board.

The assembled version should form a T shape. there are some vias to connect the boards and also to provide mechanical stability

The PCB is single sided, and uses only the top layer, where the tactile switches should be mounted. the other components, diodes, resistor network and DB-15 connector should be mounted on the bottom layer.

I made a DB-15 to HD15 cable to connect this controller to the Wolf board.

Schematic diagram

After assembly I realized that I should have designed the board with the buttons on the component size.
