
Funding the 3D Metal Printer Project

A project log for 3D Metal & Ceramic Printer

EBM - 3D Metal & Ceramic Printer - Electron Beam Melting

agustin-cruzAgustin Cruz 04/14/2022 at 01:560 Comments

If you are interested in the 3D Metal Printer project, please try to support it in Patreon. 

Since January I'm spending more time trying to get funds, publishing the project in different sites, but is very hard to get some funding.

The goal is to make 3D Metal Printing more affordable to the general public, hospitals, small institutions, organizations and companies around the world. Specifically for developing and low income countries. This project fills a gap that no open hardware successfully fills.

Here is the Patreon site to support the project: 

Many thanks for your help!

Agustin Cruz
