
Petoi Open Source Robots at Open Sauce in San Francisco, July 15-16, 2023

A project log for OpenCat - Open Source Quadruped Robotic Framework

OpenCat is the open-source Arduino and Raspberry Pi-based quadruped robotic pet framework for Boston Dynamics-styled programmable robots

petoiPetoi 09/12/2023 at 08:360 Comments

We were so delighted to have Petoi quadruped robot dog Bittle and robot cat Nybble meet with makers of all ages and robotics buddies at the fabulous Open Sauce event in San Francisco.

Everyone had a lot of fun playing with Petoi open-source robotics kits. We also showcased Petoi's high-performance servosESP32-based BiBoadArduino Uno compatible NyBoardvarious sensorsvoice command module, and smart camera module.
