
YAD - Yet Another (GUI) Dialog

A project log for Using Zenity for GUI Command Line Programs (in C)

I need a very simple GUI for my command line programs. Pipes and Zenity provide a reasonable solution.

agpcooperagp.cooper 05/09/2024 at 07:590 Comments


I was looking for an upgraded Zenity when I found YAD.

I was looking for a version that allows boxes to be pre-populated with defaults.

YAD is a graphical dialog program for shell scripts.

Th first websiteI found was discussing Puppy Linux menus (

From there I when to, this was a basic beginners guide.

I tried a simple script:


RESULT=$(yad --borders=10 --title="simple form" --text="Please enter:"\
  --form --field="Last Name": "AlanX" --field="First Repo" --field="Date"\

echo $RESULT

Worked great. YAD was even installed by default.

This website has all the documentation (

I found that the "HTML" option did not work, but I believe the option needs to be turned on during compilation.

The format of the results string will make interfacing in C simpler.

