

A project log for Vending Machine for Birds

Simple, inexpensive bird feeder that dispenses peanuts in exchange for dropping stuff in a hole. A vending machine for clever birds.

stephen-chaseyStephen Chasey 03/05/2023 at 11:560 Comments

After more testing with a slightly bigger hole and a heavier eccentric load on the motor, the real culprit appears to be too much load on the vibration plate by the column of nuts. When it's full the nuts put too much pressure on the dispenser and it has trouble vibrating enough. When the hopper is only half full it works great. I had added baffles a while ago to mitigate this, but need to rearrange them to reduce the load further on the vibration plate.

I can go back to a 22mm opening and I think I'll keep the heavier eccentric load Rearranging the baffles a bit should solve this.

Once this dispenser issue is solved I think it's "ready" as an MVP and I can build a second one.

 Everything else appears to be working fine: 

I hope to finish this up in the next few days. 


New baffles seem to be working, even when completely full of peanuts. It's a little louder now, but dispenses faster. We'll see how it does tomorrow.


With the 22mm hole I had used a hole punch. Usually one side of the hole has a burr on it (exit side for the punch blades). I had purposely put this on the upward-facing surface of the dispenser thinking it would prevent accidental dispensing if the machine was bumped. Turns out this small burr on the edge of the hole contributed to the jams. I smoothed it out with a dremel and things are working better. Will see how the rest of the day goes. I've already had to fill the bottlecap magazine 4 times today. 


The following all helped:

There is still a lot of room for improvement, but it's been a great learning experience so far.
