
Testing Rev B V 1.0 PCB

A project log for Vending Machine for Birds

Simple, inexpensive bird feeder that dispenses peanuts in exchange for dropping stuff in a hole. A vending machine for clever birds.

stephen-chaseyStephen Chasey 08/03/2023 at 13:120 Comments

I've populated one of the new boards and have been testing it for a day or so. I gotta say, rolling my own PCBs in Kicad and getting them made by PCBWay has forced me to up my design testing game - I've made many mistakes on the way but have learned a lot and come pretty far in the last few months.

Everything works as planned, including the *new features

Power Consumption

I increased the current going to the IR LEDs and motor. Current power consumption is as follows.

Without RPi

With RPi Zero W and wide-angle camera module

So with the camera I could get about 2 days out of a 20,000 mAh power bank. Not great, but not terrible.

Testing, Testing

Still futzing around with it a bit before I make a functional test video.

Here's some better shots of the empty sensor on the main baffle that goes in the peanut hopper.

I did make one mistake (aaaaaaargh!) - I left the base of the BC547B NPN on the empty sensor floating and had to bodge a 10K resistor to ground to fix it. I've already corrected this on GitHub and  once I've finished testing I'll make yet another run of boards, hoping that it will be bug free. If anyone else takes the time to build one of these I want it to just work without bodging.

You can see it here (upper right).

So will continue to test. If no issues I will put this board (bodge and all) in the feeder and continue to look for a good location. Here is a  pic of the current enclosure on the stand I built from a wooden pallet I found in the trash pile.
