
Ever try the Red Pill?

A project log for The Money BOMB

Achieving the Million Dollar Payday, or else ... “Why aren’t you a millionaire yet?”

glgormanglgorman 04/15/2022 at 07:450 Comments

Moving beyond the trivialities of thermonuclear detonation, ordinary stellar ignition, and all of that schoolboy stuff - there are other fun areas for exploration, and no I am not talking about any of those trillion-trillion-carat diamond cores of some leftover red dwarf stars that seem to populate the galaxy like so much left-over pie crust.

No, let's contemplate something really exciting, like trying to traverse the wormhole that might be created if you can find a truly gargantuan black hole with just enough charge and spin so as to expose a so-called "naked singularity" And what if such a thing might just somehow expose, accordingly ... a double singularity, like what you would find if two neutron-stars could somehow be locked in a death spiral, like two serpents, each with a forked tongue, caught up somehow as if in a "devils embrace."

Can you imagine the effects of the tidal forces on the Hawking Radiation? And what if the universe turns out to be nothing more than just another hall of mirrors, which reveals a maze of moving pathways, where somehow, we have no choice but to introduce the Riemann Zeta function since they’re quite simply put, is no other function that will work - in this situation, that is, not only as a structure-function for our field theory but for all string theories in general.

Earlier, I mentioned that I would eventually like to be able to discuss the root causes of corruption and inequity in otherwise modern, civil societies; and yes we will be getting to that, eventually.  Now if you think that “being locked somehow in a devil’s embrace”, is some kind of clue about things to come, then yes it is, but there is much more to it than that.

That is because, it is also important to remember that elements like gold and platinum are usually only formed from super-novae, yet I suspect that if strong enough tidal forces could be exerted upon the surface as well as the interior of a neutron star, that is by another large gravitating object – then mass ejections of hot dense neutron matter just might occur, which would of course rapidly deflagrate, leading to another possible pathway for the creation of heavy elements, including the aforementioned precious metals.

Now if these elements are gravitationally bound, then the unimaginable wealth that might be created thusly, as we have just imagined – anyway, might be ever so transitory, or otherwise fleeting.  That is unless there is somewhere, just somehow lurking, some kind of opportunity, or other avenues for escape.

Suffice to say, we will get there soon enough.  There is much more that needs to be discussed, however, in order to more fully develop a theory of corruption, which is not only epistemologically, but also theologically sound, this despite the fact that it should be possible to deduce a theory of corruption and of course, failure – purely on the basis of axiomatics, that is according to our rhetoric, and without any intrinsic need to proceed as according to some prescribed moral framework that has otherwise been handed down based upon tradition and authority.

Oh, and let us not forget the role of chaos, turbulence, and entanglements!  Then after that, who knows?  Kinks in General Relativity and their implications with respect to fields dominated by wet, dark energy?  So much ever more fun awaits!  Stay tuned!
