
Details about Sensorimotor

A project log for flatcat ~ your next robot is a pet

A playful robot pet that is made for people who cannot, do not want to, or are not allowed to keep animals.

matthias-kubischMatthias Kubisch 04/24/2022 at 16:560 Comments

For flatcat we wanted smart servo motors to provide the necessary sensor feedback needed for modern robotics controls. But we found only insufficient or too expensive motor solutions, so we created a new motor control board called Sensorimotor.

A Sensorimotor is a distributed low-level DC servo controller networked via a symmetrical bus (RS485) and comes as free-design hardware (see schematics in the files) and free/open-source firmware and middleware (see git repository). Its circuit board is designed so that it fits into standard-sized, low-cost servos in order to replace their original electronics.
