
FW 4.2.0: Recording to flash

A project log for All-In-One Gamma-Ray Spectrometer

More sensitive to gamma radiation than a Geiger counter with the added bonus of telling exactly what's inside your samples!

nuclearphoenixNuclearPhoenix 01/20/2024 at 18:360 Comments

This new update is a little bit bigger than the last one. One major new feature is the option to record spectra 100% locally on the device and save the data to the onboard flash to be retrieved at a later point. You can start a recording via the serial interface and then keep track of the status or stop it manually before it finishes. The data that has been gathered can be again printed to the serial interface at any point after that. For this I have also added a couple new commands relating to the filesystem on the Pico's 2MB flash.

Because of these changes, your current settings and also the runtime stats of your device will be reset once you update! So be sure to note your settings beforehand and restore after the update if you changed anything.

There are also some smaller changes like a change in default settings (see below) and better formatting for the general info and fs info screens over the serial interface.

Full list of changes:

I think these are really cool changes and finally start to show the power of this device. Neither do you need a sound card or any additional hardware to generate spectra, you don't even need a computer all the time anymore with the stock firmware. Set and forget. Set up your serial recording, and then come back hours later to "download" the data from the device. Just copy paste the contents into a file on your system and open it in Gamma MCA or a compatible program to view in all its glory. No additional computing needed. Doesn't matter what you do with your computer. Just be sure to keep the device powered ;)

