
FW 3.0.1

A project log for All-In-One Gamma-Ray Spectrometer

More sensitive to gamma radiation than a Geiger counter with the added bonus of telling exactly what's inside your samples!

nuclearphoenixNuclearPhoenix 04/18/2023 at 14:150 Comments

Just release a new firmware update for the detector! I implemented a ring buffer for the measured activity, i.e. the cps values that will be shown at the top of the OLED screen. It keeps track of the average activity of the last 5 seconds and will update much quicker to higher or lower count rates than before.

The way it was implemented before was just by adding up all the pulses in the spectrum and then dividing by the time it took to collect them. That made keeping track with high cps very unstable and made it almost impossible to change the value after letting it run for a long-ish time, i.e. it was extremely sluggish.

The displayed spectrum hasn't changed and still keeps running until a set number of pulses has been registered. The time it takes to do this is shown in the top right corner. Display refresh time is still one second by default.

Update files can be downloaded on GitHub:
