
FW 3.2.0: More faster = More better

A project log for All-In-One Gamma-Ray Spectrometer

More sensitive to gamma radiation than a Geiger counter with the added bonus of telling exactly what's inside your samples!

nuclearphoenixNuclearPhoenix 04/29/2023 at 19:501 Comment

This update is a bit larger and arguably more important than the last one. There are mainly two pretty large improvements: one on the detector dead time, the other on the display in Geiger mode. Until now it used to show the standard spectrum screen, only that there was in fact no spectrum, but one peak at channel 0. That has finally changed!

Here is a list of changes as always:

New geiger mode OLED interface (excuse the grainy photo, my phone's pretty sh*t)

All the uf2 files for you to update the device can be found on GitHub right now. If you have any questions, suggestions or issues, feel free to send me a message or create an issue on GitHub.


Robert wrote 04/30/2023 at 06:03 point

Dramatic improvement, NuclearPhoenix!

Still stable at 17000 cps in both modes. Thanks a lot :)

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