
Project Showcase

A project log for All-In-One Gamma-Ray Spectrometer

More sensitive to gamma radiation than a Geiger counter with the added bonus of telling exactly what's inside your samples!

nuclearphoenixNuclearPhoenix 06/21/2023 at 12:570 Comments

As far as I remember, I never really did a project showcase. However, there are already some pretty awesome projects out there, so I figured you'd be very interested! ;)

This one's two beautiful portable devices built by user dc1rdb, one larger unit with a 1x2 inch NaI(Tl) scintillator and the other one a little bit smaller in size with a 1x1 inch crystal. The 3D printed handle and OLED mount are a great fit for this kind of thing and can be found on thingiverse. Also, look at these awesome buttons! He's also using the 2x2 6mm MicroFC SiPM array board with great results. He built both of these units with a battery and a buzzer with a little bit of custom soldering and the built-in software support for these parts. For charging the LiPo batteries, there's a standard USB charger PCB on the inside, that's wired up to the breakout pins on the Open Gamma Detector.

That way, you can have a standalone device with recharging and not worry too much about any cabling. Let me know what you think about these! :)

He posted on GitHub and the Gammaspectacular forums if you want to interact with him:

PS: The 6mm MicroFC SiPM carrier boards will hopefully be available on Tindie very soon as a standalone offering and also in combination with all my other boards.

