
PCB Out For Fabrication

A project log for OpenDendrometer

monitor the health of trees and fruit

john-opsahlJohn Opsahl 10/11/2022 at 03:120 Comments

I finalized the first version of the OpenDendrometer custom PCB design this evening and submitted it to a board house for fabrication. The boards should arrive in up to six days. 

I looked at quotes from two board houses. Best option from Oshpark was qty 3 boards in 4-5 business days for $165. Best option from JLCPCB was qty 5 boards in 6 or less business days for $30. I like Oshpark for board quality, but I don't want to spend twice as much as their standard option to expedite that level of quality. Choosing JLCPCB this time.

I have lots of exciting ideas on how to decrease the power consumption of the OpenDendrometer  board, but I am holding back on including those now in the first board version for the sake of reliability. I have breadboard tested this configuration many times and have even run field tests with it. I have high confidence that it will work. In combination with a entirely new enclosure design and inclusion of the Bluetooth module in this sprint for the Hackaday Prize 2020 finals, I have already introduced enough opportunities for additional challenges. Staying safe on the board design for now so I have time to address those.

Even though I ran through all the checks I could think of, I was still nervous to submit this board for fabrication this evening. I usually like to a few days to mull it over while I work on software. Schedule doesn't allow that this time so it really seemed like a leap of faith. Crossing my fingers.
