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    E-Paper Introduction

    The 2.9” active area contains 296 x 128 pixels and has 1-bit white/black full display capabilities. An integrated circuit contains a gate buffer, source buffer, interface, timing control logic, oscillator, etc… are supplied with each panel.

    You may refer to the official 2.9-inch e-Paper HAT(D) datasheet to know more information about this module. 

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    Connection wiring diagram

    RTL8722DM / RTL8722CSM wiring diagram:



    RTL8722DM MINI wiring diagram:



    RTL8720DN(BW16) Wiring Diagram:


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    Build and upload the example

    Download the Eink zip library, AmebaEink.zip, at https://github.com/ambiot/ambd_arduino/tree/master/Arduino_zip_libraries

    Then install the AmebaEink.zip. Open the “DisplayQR” example in “File” → “Examples” → “AmebaEink” → “DisplayQR”:


    Modify the URL in the loop() section as you wish, after that, verify and upload the code to the Ameba board. After uploading the sample code, press the reset button, a QR code generated based on the URL of your input will be shown on the E-paper module. The QR code showing below leads to our
    Ameba IoT official website.
