
Hardware build part 2

A project log for Switcher

A switch mode power supply controlled by an 8051 processor.

ashley-robinsonAshley Robinson 12/07/2016 at 23:300 Comments

The additional switching components have added to the stripboard . Using only the small load from the potential dividers on the output (500R) the capabilities have been tested in open loop mode. The scope shots below show the PWM frequency running at 96KHz with a fixed 5V input. The output is boosted to 6V and bucked to 4V.

There is a large amount of ripple voltage which can be improved by increasing the output capacitance. This can be tuned when a variable load is available.

During the open loop testing it was noted the usable range of 8-bit PWM is only about 10% for the 256 possible states. The programmable counter can also operate in 16-bit mode which will improve the resolution of the output voltage.
