

Open Source ESP32-based OBD2 CAN adapter

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WiCAN is a powerful ESP32-C3-based CAN adapter for car hacking and general CAN-bus development. It is available in two form factors, OBD-II and standard USB-CAN.

WiCAN is a powerful ESP32-C3-based CAN adapter for car hacking and general CAN-bus development. It is available in two form factors, OBD-II and standard USB-CAN. The original firmware can use Wi-Fi or BLE to interface directly with RealDash, which allows you to create your own custom dashboards with stunning graphics. It is available for Android, iOS, and Windows 10. WiCAN connects to your existing Wi-Fi network and any device on that network, where it allows you to configure Wi-Fi and CAN settings through a built-in web interface. Both versions have a power-saving mode that detects when the voltage drops under 13 V or some other preset value. When this power-saving mode is engaged, WiCAN is capable of entering sleep mode, which drops current consumption below 1 mA.

  • ELM327 OBD-II protocol support

    meatpi09/22/2022 at 13:22 0 comments

    The ELM327 OBD protocol is now supported on WiFi, though BLE still needs more work. The basic commands are available and work well enough with most apps, such as Torque, Car Scanner ELM, and Realdash. There are still few important features I need to work on before the next release, like auto protocol detection. I’ve also added a cool feature: WiCAN now knows the default number of expected responses when making a request to specific ECU address, this will help speed up communication and also allow the user to set the number of expected responses when sending a request.

    Here’s a list of all the protocols the hardware can support:

    • ISO 15765-4 CAN (11 bit ID, 500 kbit/s)
    • ISO 15765-4 CAN (29 bit ID, 500 kbit/s)
    • ISO 15765-4 CAN (11 bit ID, 250 kbit/s)
    • ISO 15765-4 CAN (29 bit ID, 250 kbit/s)

    If anyone would like to contribute to the project and add more commands, the latest files are available in our repo’s main branch.

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