
Project Log 0 - The list

A project log for Converting Inkjet printers into FDM 3D printers

Inkjets could be used as an FDM Resin 3D printer by replacing the ink by other fluids and adding a Z axis.

fulanodetailFulanoDetail 09/10/2022 at 22:310 Comments

Project Log 0:

19:27 hours - Brasilia Timezone - 10 of September - I forgot what number is september.

It is a cold day in the front, and I don't know what to put on the logs.

I contacted everyone I know and I'm awating for their electronic scraps and/or printers to find my way.

I will try to make a list of all commercial and scrapyard stablishments on my city that can freely give me electronic scraps...

Tomorrow. I need to mentally prepare myself for human contact through the cellphone.

Wish me luck.
