
Storage Boxes

A project log for Modular OTS Cyberdeck Creation Kit

A suite of printables designed around using (mostly) off-the-shell parts to make your own custom computing platform/ Cyber Deck/ Lapdock

sp4mSp4m 06/23/2023 at 19:590 Comments

It's hard to know when a piece of art/engineering is done. I guess when there's nothing left to take away?
Oh well! Time to add more Stuff!

I've been iterating on what I am calling the Multipurpose Storage Module.

Initially designed to house a BASEUS 20,000mah power brick, I also wanted to make a storage box that would fit in place if someone didn't have this power brick, OR if someone just needed space to store wires.

Here's the "Basic" Storage Box.

It gets secured by a friction screw on the rear-left, and either a thumb-screw on the front right, or some sort of elastic/form wire strap that slots into that cut-out on the left side.

Then I realized that this storage box could be used for EVERYTHING. At least as an intermediate step while I work on more custom modules!

Want to add an SSD to your cyberdeck? Toss it into a storage box!
Need more USB ports? Put a hub in there!
You could stack them, and get a lot of extra room in your cyberdeck... as long as there is room to connect adjacent boxes.
This one goes in the middle.

This is a great example of Scope Creep, but check it out!

Now even the basic AEHCI has support modules to add anything you want!
