
[On-Hold] Running Selenium Quick-Commands

A project log for PowerShell Quick Tray

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nicholas-jacksonNicholas Jackson 10/08/2022 at 07:102 Comments

I want my first set of quick commands to be selenium-based. I need to select a good module/package/library for using them. I would like to use the NuGet version, but I can't quite remember what was required to get that one going... I'll find that out before my next log for the weekend


Nicholas Jackson wrote 10/09/2022 at 21:27 point

Placed "On-Hold" until is finished out

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Nicholas Jackson wrote 10/08/2022 at 07:39 point

The current module I am looking at can be found here:

The current NuGet package I am looking at can be found here:

I know there was an "extension" nuget package for some missing "wait" functionality in the selenium package, I just don't remember where it is. I'll add that later

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