
Revision 3 Work

A project log for Mini SiPM Driver Board

Drive silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs) and build yourself a simple scintillation counter quick and easy!

nuclearphoenixNuclearPhoenix 03/08/2023 at 21:310 Comments

Just a quick update, because there hasn't been one in a long time and I want to give you a brief overview over what I am doing. (the project is definitely not dead lol)

At the same time as working on my new Open Gamma Detector revision, I am also working on a new hardware revision for the Mini SiD to reflect all the changes I did to that. This includes many nice little improvements like lower parts cost, much more optimized power consumption and a wider SiPM PSU output range. Of course the footprint will be the same, but you will have a little bit more space for your scintillator. Also you will be able to set the pulse decay times so that it's going to be much easier to use with a slower microcontroller.

The new hardware will probably be ready and available on GitHub in the next couple of weeks, pretty soon after the new Open Gamma Detector dropped. Stay tuned for a more in-depth review once everything's ready ;)

EDIT: I totally forgot to mention that the documentation will also be updated and I am planning on making sure that the Hackaday project page isn't neglected.
