
Reading out the ROM - Part 2

A project log for Reverse Engineering the Janome Memory Cards

Reading the ROM on the Janome MemoryCraft 9000 memory cards

esophagooseesophagoose 11/17/2022 at 06:030 Comments

So sew files only give deltas of movements, not absolute values so if my starting point or one byte is off, it messes up the whole image. With this, I decided to just plot the deltas, expecting on my card there to be a lot of back-and-forth movements.

First I tested on the known good file (downloaded from the internet):

Yep - I expected it to be a circle around the origin.

And my readout:
that makes no sense. Something is wrong. Which sucks because the file opens with:
"832 DATA EXP L V" which looks like it could be a header. Then a little further along, there's this in a sea of non-ascii characters:
which looks very much like a version string. So I was hoping it would be right.

After some trial and error, I stopped using the A-1 address pin (which is suppose to be the LSB) and got this
That looks good - because this card contains text, it makes since that there's only side to side and up and down motions. But converting to positions yield:
