
Road to v1.0.0

A project log for Thermal Printing meets Dungeons & Dragons

A tool to design highly customizable handouts, quick reference and much more for your Dungeons and Dragons (or other P&P) Sessions

daniel-sDaniel S. 09/13/2023 at 17:010 Comments

Sales & Dungeons, from it's first proof-of-concept version and Reddit Post is now nearly 3.5 Years old. This is the first project I've been working on for so long while exposing it to the public. A big thanks to everyone that joined the discord or got a printer and tried the project out. It's incredible to see how it has grown and evolved during this time

The Future: v1.0.0

Because Sales & Dungeons grew so much from it's initial version when It wasn't even clear what features the project will need the ui grew to be a bit clunky (also code wise). Now that I have a good grasp of what features are relevant for the project my goal is to re-design and re-build the ui from scratch to arrive at a sleeker, user-friendly and extendible version that will be more fun to build upon in the future.

I'm already working on this since a few month now and the goal of this is to arrive at a official 1.0.0 version when it's done. I can't give out a timeline for this endeavour, as I'm also working full-time and there a lot of life changes coming up really soon. But as this project already lives rent-free in my head for such a long time I don't see me stopping anytime soon!

Sneak Peaks


I will post more sneak peeks on the Discord whenever I have something to show!
