
Source code updates

A project log for Nakatomi Plaza RFID reader prop

An attempt to duplicate the Die Hard vault RFID reader as a semi-interactive prop

robert-wallheadRobert Wallhead 02/25/2023 at 20:580 Comments

While I'm waiting for the PCBs to arrive, I've made some minor updates to the Python code repository to improve the deployment process (I'm going to have to build a dedicated package for that soon...) and I've change the LEDs to be latching as it makes the prop stand out more.

I also spotted RFID Journal did a fun write-up, thanks guys! :)

Oh, and finally, if there's something from this build you want access to that's not in the GitHub repo or the uploaded files, let me know and I'll share it. The PCB Gerbers etc will be shared as soon as I confirm I didn't made any mistakes.
