
Treadmill for dogs

Make your own treadmill for dogs

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My family'dog is obese and sick, they asked me to make a machine and I made one as fast as I could.
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My family's dog too fat and got sick. They asked me to make them a device, so I decided to make a treadmill for dog. 

  • 1

    Ok, the dog weighs about 7.5kg and the space required is about 30cm x 60cm, 20cm tall. With several materials available, I design a concept based on that data, building the design without being able to find the material would be really difficult.
    Avoiding sharp corners, I quickly changed the design a bit.

  • 2

    This step requires welding, grinding, drilling and cutting skills. I used a V3 iron with a thickness of 2mm for this design. Remember to use full protection when working.

    The wooden board helps to bear the dog's load better, I designed 2 horizontal and slope modes but the latter completed the working horizontal mode is good enough.

    The protective metal mesh helps the dog focus on running without falling out..

  • 3
    Final asembly

    Assemble the rubber mat, 12VDC electric motor and spay paint to complete. Test operation by running the machine continuously for 2 hours. And finally here is the result after running the test.

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