
20230213b -- Memory

A project log for ROM Disassembly - AlphaSmart Pro

Wherein I disassemble the ROM from a vintage typewriter-thing

ziggurat29ziggurat29 02/16/2023 at 13:320 Comments

I find it vexing that I have not yet figured out the RAM banking scheme.  Some things:

Still, I also see writes to 8000h.  If the '32 KiB pages mapped to 0000h' hypothesis holds, then what is going on at 8000h?  Mysteries to be solved...

One thing I did find was this code:

EC60             sub_EC60:
EC60 85 01           bita    #1
EC62 26 05           bne     flick3high_EC69
EC64 15 00 08        bclr    PORTA_0 8       ; PA3 low
EC67 20 03           bra     cont_EC6C
EC69             flick3high_EC69:
EC69 14 00 08        bset    PORTA_0 8       ; PA3 high
EC6C             cont_EC6C:
EC6C 85 02           bita    #2
EC6E 26 05           bne     flick5high_EC75
EC70 15 00 20        bclr    PORTA_0 $20 ; ' ' ; PA5 low
EC73 20 03           bra     leave_EC78
EC75             flick5high_EC75:
EC75 14 00 20        bset    PORTA_0 $20 ; ' ' ; PA5 high
EC78             leave_EC78:
EC78 39              rts

This essentially maps bits 1,0 in the A reg into bits 5,3 in the GPIO port A.  OK.  Well, you have to know a little bit about port A from the manual.  Port A has 3 output-only pins, 3 input only pins, and two bidirectional pins.  Moreover, two of the pins are not bonded out on this 40-pin DIP device.  Bit 5 is output only, Bit 3 is bi-di, but configured for output.  Bits 6 and 4 are not bonded.

There are several references to this code, but one of note is at F723:

F723             sub_F723:
F723 18 CE 01 00     ldy     #$100
F727 8D 0F           bsr     sub_F738        ; XXX store 'ram valid sig' @ Y
F729 86 03           ldaa    #3
F72B BD EC 60        jsr     sub_EC60        ; XXX set PA5,3 from A b1,0
F72E 18 CE 7F DF     ldy     #$7FDF
F732 8D 04           bsr     sub_F738        ; XXX store 'ram valid sig' @ Y
F734 BD EC 79        jsr     sub_EC79        ; XXX clear PAb5,3
F737 39              rts

This seems to want to store a textual 'signature' at the beginning and end, assuming that mapped memory cannot access the first 256 bytes (hence the #$100 start).  This textual signature ("This is the RAM valid signatur2") is 31 bytes.  (32 with nul, but nul is not copied).  I don't know why the end starts at 7FDF instead of 7FE0.

But curious to me is that there is the interceding call to sub_EC60 before writing the 'final' signature.  Also that there is no effort from an analogous method to set P5,3 into a known state before writing the signature at $100.

This routine is called once during system bootup, and perhaps can make assumptions about the PAb5,3 state as being '00'.

I found another routine:

EC79             sub_EC79:
EC79 15 00 08        bclr    PORTA_0 8       ; clear PAb3
EC7C 15 00 20        bclr    PORTA_0 $20 ; ' ' ; clear PAb5
EC7F 39              rts

Which explicitly sets those pins to '00'.  This routine is called quite a bit -- more (17) in fact than the other that selects other pages (12), so I think the system likes to keep the mapping 'parked' at page 0, venturing out to other pages only as-needed.

It's interesting that there is a dedicated 'select page 0' method, when the 'select page A' method would work just fine with 0 in A, but I suspect this is for some flash space economy.  There is only 166 free bytes.  To replace 17 calls to ones that first clear A and call the general purpose paging routine would rack up more bytes than just calling this routine.  (Also, registers are unaffected, so there's some other overhead that might be incurred in using the general purpose routine.)

This ROM is a bit tight for space, and there's some dead code I have found and other opportunities here and there to save some space, but I'm sure no-one is interested in a code review 28 years hence from product launch!  It worked well enough at the time...
