
20230214b -- LCD revisited

A project log for ROM Disassembly - AlphaSmart Pro

Wherein I disassemble the ROM from a vintage typewriter-thing

ziggurat29ziggurat29 02/16/2023 at 13:440 Comments

The LCD analysis isn't strictly complete.  While I'm pretty sure I found the data lines (nybble mode, PD5-2), there are control lines as well.

While rummaging through the RAM stuff, I came across a routine:

F618             sub_F618:
F618 86 01           ldaa    #1
F61A BD F6 5E        jsr     sub_F65E
F61D 39              rts

 which then invokes:

F65E             sub_F65E:
F65E 15 5B 02        bclr    byte_5B 2
F661 16              tab
F662 BD F6 74        jsr     sendLCDbyteB_F674 ; send byte in B to LCD (w/ctrl as per 0x5b)
F665 14 5B 02        bset    byte_5B 2
F668 39              rts

before going off to the 'sendLCDbytesB' routine at F674 that I had already reversed.  There were some unknowns in that, namely the data location at 0x5B.

I know that the LCD command for "Clear Display and Set Cursor to loc 0" is 0x01, but being a command, it requires that the control lines OC1 and OC2 be set in a particular state.  As per doc, here's how they work:

OC2 OC1 function
  0   0 command
  0   1 display address
  1   0 data
  1   1 cursor address

The thing that's interesting here is that we are manipulating byte_5b, which is internal RAM, not a peripheral port.  Surely this cannot be memory-mapped.  However, revisiting sendLCDbyteB_F674, and the internal routine F68F, it became clear that loc 0x5b stores a virtual copy of those control bits, which then are transferred to harware when writing out the nybble.

F68F             sendLCDnybble_F68F:
F68F 4F              clra                    ; (an elaborate way of A = (0x5b) & 3.  Why? unknown.)
F690 13 5B 02 04     brclr   byte_5B 2 cont_F698 ; LCD control lines state in b1 = IOC2, b0 = IOC1
F694 8A 02           oraa    #2
F696 20 00           bra     *+2             ; delay 3 cy; 1.5 usec
F698             cont_F698:
F698 13 5B 01 04     brclr   byte_5B 1 cont_F6A0 ; LCD control lines state in b1 = IOC2, b0 = IOC1
F69C 8A 01           oraa    #1
F69E 20 00           bra     *+2             ; delay 3 cy; 1.5 usec
F6A0             cont_F6A0:
F6A0 58              aslb                    ; move up two bits to align lower nybble with PDb5-4
F6A1 58              aslb
F6A2 B7 80 00        staa    $8000           ; XXX mystery?
F6A5 96 08           ldaa    PORTD_8         ; PORTD:
F6A7 84 03           anda    #3              ; preserve lower two bits
F6A9 1B              aba                     ; merge on shifted B into nybble position (port D7,6 are not bonded, so who cares about those)
F6AA 97 08           staa    PORTD_8         ; write nybble out
F6AC 14 00 80        bset    PORTA_0 $80 ; 'Ç' ; flick PA7 high, low
F6AF 15 00 80        bclr    PORTA_0 $80 ; 'Ç'
F6B2 39              rts

So, the nybble to send is in B, it is shifted up to positions to get to Port D bits 5-2, and location 0x5b is translated into the two bits at Port D bits 1 and 0.  Those are merged together and written out to Port D.  PAb7 is then flicked high/low.  This almost certainly means that PAb7 is the LCD 'EX' line as per timing diagrams.

This also means that Port D is fully accounted for as for its pins (b7,6 are not available on this 40 pin DIP), unless they do double duty somehow.  It's interesting that Port D is configured for open-drain outputs, though in the photo you can clearly see a resistor pack next to where Port D is on the package, so those are doubtlessly pull-ups.

Knowing this, these actions at the start of lcdInit make now sense:

EC16             lcdInit_EC16:
EC16 15 5B 01        bclr    byte_5B 1       ; IOC1, 2 low for 'command'
EC19 15 5B 02        bclr    byte_5B 2

Studying other use cases and correlating with datasheet show that 0x5b bit 1 is IOC2 and bit 0 is IOC2, and that these eventually set PDb1,0.

Another mystery is starting to come to light.  The mystery of '8000h'.  I have seen several writes to this location of values 0, ffh, 4.  (Maybe there are others.)  Now that I am pretty sure RAM is at 0100-7fff, then what are these writes (and there is a similar one at C000)?  So, maybe memory mapped IO?  There is an apparently LCD related routine at EC45:

EC45             sub_EC45:
EC45 86 03           ldaa    #3
EC47 97 09           staa    DDRD_9          ; DDRD: b1, b0 output; others input
EC49 86 04           ldaa    #4
EC4B B7 80 00        staa    $8000
EC4E 14 00 80        bset    PORTA_0 $80     ; PORTA:  b7 high
EC51 96 08           ldaa    PORTD_8         ; PORTD: all data bits
EC53 15 00 80        bclr    PORTA_0 $80     ; PORTA:  b7 low
EC56 14 09 FF        bset    DDRD_9 $FF      ; DDRD:  all pins output
EC59 7F 80 00        clr     $8000
EC5C 15 08 3C        bclr    PORTD_8 $3C     ; PORTD:  b5,4,3,2 low
EC5F 39              rts

It's rarely used:  once in 'lcdInit_EC16' and twice in success in 'sendLCDbyteB_F674'.  In both cases immediately afterwards bit 5 is tested, and looping happens if it set until it goes low.  This bit happens to coincide with the 'BUSY' bit of the LCD status.  So I am concluding that sub_EC45 is 'readLCDnybble_EC45'.  I do not know 8000 for a fact, but being as it sets bit 2, and this is the only place that the LCD is read from, I am starting to suspect that 8000 is a latch, and bit 2 is wired to the LCD R/~W line (and maybe other things!).

So, on-chip port hardware is so far mapping out like this:

Port A:
b7  LCD EX
b6  (not bonded on DIP40)
b5  RAM Bank Select 1 (A16)
b4  (not bonded on DIP40)
b3  RAM Bank Select 0 (A15)
b2  ???
b1  ???
b0  ???

Port D:
b7  (not available with external memory)
b6  (not available with external memory)
b5  LCD data 7
b4  LCD data 6
b3  LCD data 5
b2  LCD data 4
b1  LCD OC2
b0  LCD OC1

Port B, C -- (used for external memory address/data bus)

There's still the possibility of multiple duty for these lines, but these applications at least I think I am pretty confident of.

A pending mystery is the emulated keyboard ports.  There are three lines on A unaccounted for, and maybe they're involved with that, but a peculiarity of Port A on this device is that bit 2,1,0 are hard configured in silicon as inputs only.  3 and 7 are bidirectional, but are here configured as outputs (and 5 is hard configured as output).  There almost surely needs to be some other output line for keyboard data, so there's more mysteries to solve there, eventually.

Update labels, comments, and propagate....
