
Initial Thoughts

A project log for The Learning Terminal

A tablet focused on helping the user learn. Learn how to complete a task, use a new tool or understand advanced concepts.

william-buttenhamWilliam Buttenham 03/30/2023 at 03:360 Comments

I have been thinking about the terminal for some time now, so I am finally going to make it and cross the project off my to-do list.

One half of the project will be a hardware tablet with a touchscreen and buttons for ease of use while focusing on learning materials elsewhere. The other half of the project will be software for running tutorials and training courses on the tablet, allowing non developers to create content for the platform.

The project will be based around a Raspberry Pi 3B and the screen I have collected but the software will aim to have simple system requirements and flexible display output and configuration. The buttons for the tablet will be in the form of a custom modular mechanical keyboard, allowing for different sized tablets to be created in the future. Creating courses should be easy but allow for expansion in the future as I explore the terminal concept.

The case for the tablet will feature a large carrying handle, various mounting points, optional battery support and access to most of the RPi IO. I want to include HAT support through a clever case design or a GPIO extender allowing the tablet to be customized with existing hardware. Currently I am planning on 3D printing the case but I would like to incorporate some wood or metal elements.
