
6. Conclusion

A project log for 3D Pottery Machine for Kids v2

Cornstarch pottery machine for kids' STEM education

guillermo-perez-guillenGuillermo Perez Guillen 04/08/2023 at 21:550 Comments
  1. In this first version, I learned to make basic forms of pottery with this homemade clay made mainly with cornstarch;
  2. I discovered that hardness depends on the quality and consistency of the mixed materials;
  3. The idea of controlling the spin speed of the CD-rom was useful since sometimes we only require a slow spin and sometimes a fast spin;
  4. In the second version I have added and used a stepper motor and a servo motor in order to add details to the final product, 
  5. The assembly of the device was not easy, since I had to make several modifications to the old printer to adapt the motors and the programming cards.
  6. Other material used was soldering iron, screws, glue, silicone, drill and wood.

Last update: at the moment I am experimenting with PID control with the DC motor to have more precision in the speed of rotation and achieve finer products. This update will be published until before the contest deadline.
