
Day 82: A new era for dive computers has begun

A project log for "Mercator Origins": Sat Nav & Telemetry for Divers

Want to map your dive? Want to navigate like a pro? Even if you are vision-impaired, this will empower you to navigate our underwater world.

mark-b-jonesMark B Jones 04/20/2023 at 18:201 Comment

This has to be brief as I’m spent after a 4am rise and an hour+ dive today and have my feet up.

briefly: it works! some things to iron out as expected but given the abuse the float had (submarining by a good 1 to 2m for example due to my clumsiness at times) it stood up to the challenge really well.

Full match report another day and there will be a youtube video too.


Toby Jane wrote 04/20/2023 at 20:25 point

Looking forward to seeing the video

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