Project Abstract: -
Alzheimer's disease is a disease of the elderly. It affects these people and their families negatively, both physically and psychologically. Therefore, this project aims to create a device in the form of a smart bracelet with technologies internet of things and Artificial intelligence an integrated health care and well-being system help the Alzheimer’s patients to live a better life with less affordable price, higher performance and does not affect his psychological or physical condition. One of the most important of that device is that it is water-resistant so that it can be worn throughout its daily life. The device can locate the Alzheimer's patient if he is left unaccompanied and display his location on the mobile phone connected to the device, thus facilitating finding to the person with Alzheimer's disease. And it provides him with other advantages and possibilities that help to save his life by sending an alarm at the time of his medication and his personal interviews by voice. The application also contains some instructions for Alzheimer's patients to maintain their privacy and data. It also contains other features such as follow-up of the Alzheimer’s patient’s medical condition and send it to his companion through an application available on the bracelet. So, this device keeps pace with the sustainable development goals and Egypt's 2030 vision. As it can contribute to achieve sustainable development third goal: good health and well-being and ninth goal: Innovation, industry, infrastructure.
Introduction: -
Today, the world is heavily dependent on technology It has become necessary to take care of its implementation in various fields of life perhaps one of the most important areas in which technology can employ the medical field for its applications in diagnosis, treatment and prevention of various diseases one of the most important medical achievements of modern times are the various medical applications that try to help people maintain their health the most important of which are applications that calculate calories in food, improve the nature of sleep, and measure heartbeats in addition to the tools that can be used to determine the health status of the user and inform them immediately.
One of the most prominent diseases requiring ongoing care and follow-up is Alzheimer's disease according to the World Health Organization (WHO) definition (2021) the disease is characterized by deterioration in memory, thinking, behavior and the ability to carry out daily activities, primarily affecting the elderly according to the World Health Organization (WHO) there are 47.5 million infected people worldwide.
Perhaps one of the most important technological applications in this case is to raise the level of safety if the person with Alzheimer's disease moves unaccompanied. The current project aims to provide a smart bracelet to make it easier to find the Alzheimer's patients if they leave unaccompanied its innovative design, waterproof that integrates well-being with health care in one way so that the Alzheimer’s patient can live his life better by locating him in the event of his leaving unaccompanied and reminding him of his treatment dates the bracelet also contains a database that stores any data that needs to be added, whether images or texts. Which helps in achieving the economic income for their families and their concentration in their businesses, and then the project works to achieve the innovative, pioneering and humanitarian part of the sustainable development goals and Egypt’s Vision 2030 to keep pace with the labor market.
Project Problem: -
Alzheimer's disease is a life-threatening disease. It has physical, psychological, social and economic effects on those who care for patients, their families and communities. The disease leads to deterioration in memory, thinking and behavior in people with it, especially the elderly. One of the most important problems facing Alzheimer's patients and their families is their inability to locate them if they leave the house unaccompanied and not only that, but the bracelet can remind the Alzheimer’s patient of the dates of his treatment, in addition to that it contains a database that can remind him of his family and can provide any data he needs to remember at any time, whether texts or pictures, through a chatbot so as not to affect him psychologically or physically. This is why the current project aims to provide a bracelet worn continuously by Alzheimer's patients that is water resistant.
Therefore, the questions of the project are:
What device can be created to find Alzheimer patient if he goes out unaccompanied?
What's the difficulties which Alzheimer's patients face?
What is the addition which can make the device multi tasker?
Background Research: -
Alzheimer's disease is a gradual atrophy of neurons in the brain areas responsible for many administrative functions, resulting in a continuous decline in memory and mental abilities, which requires creating an appropriate and supportive environment in the community in order to ensure the provision of services at the highest level of this community.
The number of people infected is expected to increase globally. According to Egyptian statistics, the president of the Egyptian Association of Alzheimer's Patients explained that the number of people with dementia in Egypt ranges from 400,000 to 600,000 patients, 60% of whom suffer from Alzheimer's, and this is expected to reach 1 million, by 2030.
One of the most prominent symptoms of the disease is the difficulty of remembering people and important details such as phone number, home address, university and graduation date, which disturbs them and affects their lives completely, leads them to isolation, confusion and loss of sense of security.
According to a study conducted at the University of South Florida on a sample of 52 people with the disease, 94% did not pass the initial audio logical examination. In another study, researchers showed that people with problems in the hearing center of the brain were diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease after about eight years of follow-up. Researchers have found that the emergence of problems in the analysis of audio speech in the hearing center of the brain may precede the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease by several years. The negative effects of age-related hearing loss in the elderly, including depression and cognitive decline, may make it more difficult to diagnose Alzheimer's disease, unless the hearing loss is detected and treated as a separate, unrelated condition. Which indicates that the depression of Alzheimer's disease has a negative and physical impact on him, and the Alzheimer's patient should be comfortable. This category therefore needs to provide a safety device to ensure that they are found if they leave unaccompanied and provide health care and well-being system to live a better life.
An institution in the United States of America deals with devices used by Alzheimer's patients provide a watch for them to wear, this watch has several jobs, it contains GPS locator and can send message about the location of this person. But, this watch is so expensive, it costs more than 450$. The reviews about this watch was not good, users complain about the efficiency of battery and, GPS locator doesn't work in some places.
Because the cost of this watch is not suitable for the economic conditions of most Alzheimer's patients in Egypt. Therefore, the current project aims to develop a smart bracelet they can wear continuously, so we can determine their location easily if the patient leaves unaccompanied and not only that, but the bracelet can remind the Alzheimer’s patient of the dates of his treatment, in addition to that it contains a database that can remind him of his family and can provide any data he needs to remember at any time, whether texts or pictures, through a chatbot.
Project Hypotheses: -
The bracelet is supposed to be: 1. It is water resistant by means of some materials suitable for electronics, so that Alzheimer's patients can wear it all day long. 2. It does not affect the lives of the Alzheimer’s patient and their companions, psychologically or physically, as the bracelet is a substitute for the companions so that they will not be affected by the patients and they will not be disrupted from their work, because it provides the Alzheimer’s patient with several capabilities, as shown. 3. Its price is appropriate as it uses electronic components that are available and accessible to everyone, and its performance is high. Its performance was analyzed by wokwi, which is an augmented reality website.
Project Results: -
After testing the prototype of ''I'm Here'', the design was successfully implemented.
While testing the device it succeeded to send the location of the person how used it and another one received the location using mobile app.
The battery works for 2 hours, suggested to replace it with solar panel to save energy.
The device works for a range of 20 meters because the range of Bluetooth is 10 meters, so it was replaced it with NODE MCU Esp.32 to increase the range of the device.
Project Experiments: -
- The prototype of ''I'm Here'', the design was successfully implemented :-
• The device succeeded to send the location of the person how used it and another one received the location using mobile app.
• The battery works for 2 hours, suggested to replace it with solar panel to save energy.
• The device works for a range of 15 meters because the range of Bluetooth is 10 meters, so it's suggested to replace it with NODE MCU Esp.32.
- The prototype of "I'm Here" during the experiment was modified as follows: -
The prototype of ''I'm Here'', the design was successfully implemented.
The device succeeded to send the location of the person how used it and another one received the location using mobile app.
The battery works for 2 hours, suggested to replace it with solar panel to save energy.
The device works for a range of 20 meters because the range of Bluetooth is 10 meters, so it was replaced it with NODE MCU Esp.32 to increase the range of the device.
The device can send an alarm to the patient's unaccompanied when he moves away from the Wi-Fi range, which means he is far away than 20 meters.
The device can send an alarm at the time of his medication.
Procedures: -
• At first reviewing statistics previous research in the field of Alzheimer's care.
• Reviewing previous devices in other countries used by Alzheimer's patients.
• Planning the initial design of the I'm Here device, which can check the location of the Alzheimer's patient if he goes out unaccompanied.
• Create an application which can send an alarm to the unaccompanied of the Alzheimer's patient, if he moves away from the Wi-Fi at home, and send the geographical coordinates of the patient's location.
• Create an application aims to remind the Alzheimer's patients and his unaccompanied. • Selecting the device parts according to the job of each part.
• Calculate the initial cost of the components of the device.
• Build and test the prototype.
• Analyze the results.
Project Future plans: -
After testing the prototype of "I'm Here", It is suggested to add techniques to enhance the performance of the bracelet in the future, including: -
1. Use of GPS Indoor locator in detail.
2. Replacing Two lithium batteries with solar battery to improve the efficiency of battery and to be more sustainable.
3. Adding a "SIM" module to send a message on the phone to an Alzheimer's patient companion in an emergency situation such as fainting due to low / high blood sugar ratio, fast or slow heart rate and other factors, or lack of a Wi-Fi network. Or use (NRF board) radio waves in the absence of a Wi-Fi network.
4. Adding some techniques to the bracelet, such as knowing the percentage of oxygen in the blood and heart rate through the oximeter sensor.
5. Replacing the ESP 32 with the ESP 8266 because it has a larger range, better performance and lower cost.
6. Adapting artificial intelligence techniques and machine learning to detect Alzheimer's disease if it is present in the brain.
Project References: -
1. (World Health Organization, September 20, 2022)
2. (Saudi Ministry of Health, December 5, 2018)
3. (Mayo-clinic, 19/02/2022)
4. (United Kingdom National Health Service, 05 July 2021)
5. (The Saudi Charity Association for Alzheimer's Disease)
6. Alexandria library
7. (Arab edition.nature, December, 2016)
8. (United nations, September 2, 2021)
9. Alzheimer's disease in the elderly: recent trends in diagnosis, treatment and management book, Author Muhammad Al-Nubi Muhammad Ali, Publication data Amman: Dar Safaa, 2012.
10. (The university of South Florida, Byrd Alzheimer’s Center and Research Institute)