
Alpha Prototype

A project log for OHMni-Stick

Ultra Low Force and Displacement Assistive Tech Joystick

oneohmoneohm 05/26/2023 at 20:450 Comments

Here is the OHMni-Stick Alpha prototype, a tangible demonstration of the device's functionality and potential. This prototype features a minimalist design, combining 3D printed components with laser-cut acrylic panels and spacers.

At the heart of the prototype, three 5kg rated load cells are arranged such that the end mounting points form an equilateral triangle. This configuration allows for precise three-axis (X, Y, Z) force measurement, enabling comprehensive tracking and analysis of user input after signal processing. The handle is fastened to the load cells using reduced shank M4 screws, complemented by protective springs. These springs serve as a safeguard, absorbing any excessive forces and preventing damage the sensitive components.

For data acquisition, the prototype incorporates a XIAO SAMD21 microcontroller module. The microcontroller interfaces with three HX711 ADC modules, enabling synchronous measurement of the three forces at a maximum sampling rate of 80 samples per second. 

Throughout the testing of this initial prototype, I was pleasantly surprised by its inherent intuitiveness and ease of use. The OHMni-Stick responded promptly to my commands, and its accuracy and sensitivity truly exceeded my expectations.

This prototype serves as a compelling glimpse into the capabilities of the OHMni-Stick as an assistive technology solution. 
