

A project log for Tuctuc Egg Sprout Balein

remote controlled tuctuc that has a moving whale tale

nelithzederdelleNelithzederdelle 06/13/2023 at 11:010 Comments

Improvements we want:

- find a better solution for the whale tale: 

                   - internal or external skeleton

                   - more flexible material

                   - better rope, because nylon is not the best, and the one we tried                       before was worse

- make better support to hold the gears

dig holes in the egg, for sticks to go through the whole egg and hold the gears in place

- get a better grip on the motors: choose the best type, most efficient connection in the channels, for a better experience with the remote controller

- balance the weight of the engine

- make it more **pretty**, because aesthetics you know

Issues we met:

- the busy printing machines

- the headache to figure out how to slow down the speed of the servo for the whale

- the constant redoing of the gears

- the 2 back wheels going in different directions

- find a structure for the gears

- articulation of the tail

- the imbalance of the weight

- the mixing of the cables inside
