• STM32 F402

    Alfred Broda06/24/2023 at 08:49 0 comments

    So I opened the mower again to verify it's an STM chip, with a suspicion of it being a less known STM32 F402. And that was confirmed by the markings on it's top after removing the orange sticker. It did say ST 402 but there was no easier way to be sure. I read that it's compatible with F401 chips, so writing new firmware should be doable. Now, to check what pin does what.

  • Investigating the electronics

    Alfred Broda06/20/2023 at 07:07 0 comments

    This mover has a USB socket, and when plugged in to a computer it reports as a USB HID device. From the logs it can also be learned that it is based on an STM Electronics chip.

    To know more about the mower I disassembled it and investigated the electronics. Not only a USB connector was present, but also a I2C interface and a programming header. Many components are informatively labeled on the main board's silk screen.