
the wind direction sensor

A project log for Long Range Weather Station (65€)

A cheap but precise Weather Station (Lora transmission)

jp-gleyzesJP Gleyzes 06/24/2023 at 08:060 Comments

An AS5600 hall encoder is used to determine wind direction.

This sensor gives 4096 angular positions which more than enough for a precise sensor

More precisely 2 more M4 nuts are hidden into the head part to help balancing the sensor

Now cut 130 mm long part into a 4 mm leadscrew. And mount the Wind Direction sensor.

Balance the sensor so that it stays horizontal in this position.

You should find the sweet spot at 25 mm from the tail. Adjust for your setup before tightening the axis screw and nuts.

Then you will have to solder 4 wires to the AS5600 breadboard. insert the wires from back side so that they will not touch the rotating magnet.

Only solder VCC, Gnd, SDA and SCL wires.

Then slide the breadboard into the pipe holder.

Trim the 4 mm screw so that the magnet flies 2mm under the AS5600 sensor.

(The orange ribbon on the picture is the hall sensor harnest for the anemometer. It takes the same route into the pipe to reach the weather station main board !).
