
Entry 0x12 - Keeping On

A project log for KOAT0 Portable Terminal

A cyberdeck with a fluorescent display for max cyberpunk looks

robsoncoutoRobsonCouto 08/16/2023 at 13:000 Comments

I guess the deadline to submit builds to the contest is over, but I can keep building while the projects are being judged. At this point my deck is still mostly a 3d file on my computer and a bunch of parts.

This morning I went to look in my stuff for a USB C breakout that I bought for this project and after some checking on my orders history I realised that I in fact did not buy the breakout. I found a micro USB breakout, that so that will do for now. I added the breakout support to the shell and gonna try printing the bottom shell again later today.

I also took the opportunity to touch up the ethernet and USB ports cutout from the raspberry pi on the side of the deck and I'm so proud of that :)

As I said, gonna try printing again. Wish me luck!
