
Entry 0x14 - Surface detailing

A project log for KOAT0 Portable Terminal

A cyberdeck with a fluorescent display for max cyberpunk looks

robsoncoutoRobsonCouto 08/19/2023 at 19:200 Comments

Like I said in the previous logs. i'm trying to add detail to the surfaces, something that is completely new to me. The handle will some details "debossed" directly on the surfaces.

I've watched some videos on detailing, although not about cyberdecks, but still really useful tips for making props and models look hi-tech.

I do recommend this video by CUt Transform Glue, in which they scratchbuild a beautiful spaceship. The tip I got from this video is to try to overdo when adding details. As much I would like to cover the whole deck with details, I would not have enough time, so for now I'm focusing on visible surfaces.

I also watched some videos by the great Adam Savage. You may know him from myth-busters, but his Youtube channel is a pleasure to watch. There's tons of videos, but I'm gonna leave here just this short one about the universal greeblie.
