
TMS6100 dumping advice needed

A project log for Finding the hidden Speak & Spell in a Renault 25

Renault was sneaky and put it into a small box... Lets find out more about that...

bauminventionsBaumInventions 07/01/2023 at 23:531 Comment

I struggle a little bit to find a solution to read the Phrase Roms of the speech synthesizers.

Is it that complicated that no solution exists that is openly available?

Or do i just dont know the magic words to feed to the search engine?

Datasheets are no problem. And i can even find discussions where people have dumped those roms. The informations i got are mainly from some TI99/A forums where people discuss to retrofit speech synthesis to their home computers. I even found ROM emulators and crazy things like that. But the TI99 dudes use the TI99 to dump the roms. Thats no option for me because i dont have such a computer and i dont know anybody with a TI99.

I found another project wich was even featured here on Hackaday... But the maker behind that seems not to give out any significant information depending the inner workings of his solution... Wich made me a little bit sad... I can of course be totally wrong and just have not searched right... But im sad anyway...

If you have any information for me please let me know. I will try to make a solution that everybody can use to dump those roms. 



If anybody is interested in more information about the TMS5110 speech synthesizer... i found some hints to patents wich include the inner workings of the tms51XX. the datasheet for the tms5110 seems to be super rare. 


francois.davroux wrote 05/22/2024 at 10:48 point


Nice project, i have same modules in French and English, and can dump roms with our own tool .

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