
3D Printed Lock Nuts

A project log for Election Countown Display

A giant 9 panel display using WS2812 chip LEDs

criptastichackerCriptasticHacker 07/27/2023 at 22:530 Comments

Another big issue on arrival was the mounting hardware.  Long M4 size screws were sticking out all over the place, cutting and scratching things.  They were also rusted wth many loose nuts, and not even mounted in the same direction!

These have got to go!  Instead, Ive designed and printed a nice PLA locknut.  I'm also using M3 Countersunk black screws, which will nicely match the black matte face of the panels.

I designed the lock nuts with a built in large surface area to double as a washer, and long flat sides for easy gripping with pliers.  It made installs a breeze ^_^

Back in Black!  Looking a lot better now.  This setup is also very easy to remove.  Since the lock nuts are self-tapped they are also shock resistant and make a much better contact with the plywood.  The countersunk screws are notw nearly flush with the plexi panel as well, making the outdoor box mounting a little easier.  

And best of all, no more sharp metal to catch on me and scratch up the other plexi!

[To be continued...]
