
Core16 Kit Contents and Frame

A project log for Core16: Interactive Core Memory Made Smaller

Core16 makes it easier to get started weaving your own Interactive Core Memory. You can do a lot of fun stuff with it after it is assembled!

andy-geppertAndy Geppert 10/13/2023 at 03:431 Comment

Workshops for Supercon 2023 were announced today and this project is one of them!

Here's a preview of what is in the kit:

Frames are in production to:

One hour and 20 minutes per frame set... But I'm very happy with the result which is easy to print (no supports) and snaps together in a very satisfying way. There are lanyard loop attachment points at the top corners, and from the front, the frame is minimal.

The backside of the frame holds the battery pack and a pair of stylii.

And it stands up on it's own too:

Suitable as a desk clock!


jeremy.geppert wrote 10/13/2023 at 22:30 point

I was a beta tester of assembling this Core 16 kit. I have minimal soldering skills and basic tools. I had never done this small of work before. The instructions are excellent. A tweezers, flux and cheater glasses (or good eyes) is all you need. Don't hesitate to sign up for the workshop if it seems intimidating.

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