
PAROL6 mechanical structure

A project log for PAROL6 - Desktop robotic arm

A robot that can be used as desktop tool for small automation and education!

petar-crnjakPetar Crnjak 08/21/2023 at 14:420 Comments

Design Approach 

PAROL6 hardware and software design was driven in large part by Faze4 and CM6. From faze 4 mechanical design and from CM6 software and control approach. Advantage of building these robots before this one was the community and contributions to the projects from the people. People build unity simulators, ros control implementation, custom controllers, and modified STEP files... The goal is, like previous robots, to make as much open source as it can. Some of the guidelines that guided the design:

WHY planetary gearboxes and belts?

The robot is designed around precision planetary gearboxes on joints that are subject to most torque. These would be joints 2 and 3. Joint one uses belts and a larger motor. For joints 4 and 5 belts are used and for 6 a smaller planetary gearbox. The design was so that motors are not on the axes that they are actuating. By doing that you remove mass to the bottom of the robot and reduce the inertia of the joints. A spherical wrist was used to make inverse kinematics calculations simpler. For the forearm and upper arm section wires and tubes run thru the robot and also from the elbow to the base are hidden. The only section where wires are visible are from the upper arm to the elbow. By hiding wires and tubes they are protected from outside elements like tangling mechanical damage and more.

Motors on most joints are not hidden. By doing that it is easy to add additional closed-loop stepper drivers to the motors and make the robot closed loop.
 For the joints, 1,2,3 installation of closed-loop drivers is just straight forward as mounting then. For joints 4,5 and 6 minor robot redesign will need to be made for esthetic parts. Only the forearm will need to be extended by 3 cm to allow for PCB to mount on Joint 6.



Wiring is done similarly to the Faze4 robot except only visible wires are from the upper arm to the elbow.  The two images below show how the wiring is done for the robot. Blue are pneumatic tubes while green are wires.


Belt tension is done with small ball bearings. The usual diameter of the bearing is 8mm if you see that that tension is not enough you can use a 10mm bearing. Bearings can be mounted on both sides of the belts. Joint 1 also uses a belt but it is hidden so taking pictures of it is really hard.
