
Getting power into my flat

A project log for Window mount for solar panels

Searching for a way to mount solar panels in my flat without modifying the building stock.

joris-wegnerJoris Wegner 07/19/2023 at 21:100 Comments

I'm not allowed to drill into the walls to pass a cable through, so I see no other option than passing a flat conductor between a window and its frame. Products for doing that exist, but I am concerned that they might not be durable enough in the long term. Here is an example, a flat copper braid crimped into connectors sold by

If these don't hold up they would probably not only become a fire hazard, but also be too expensive to replace to make the whole endeavour financially viable. I doubt that they are certified by anybody. Maybe I should ask the dealer.

If these should not do the job reliably, I had some other approaches to explore:

I think this problem is the bottleneck for the project. If there is no safe way to do this, the whole idea is worth nothing. If you have any thoughts on this I'd be happy to hear your suggestions.
