
Mounting solar panels: First approach

A project log for Window mount for solar panels

Searching for a way to mount solar panels in my flat without modifying the building stock.

joris-wegnerJoris Wegner 07/19/2023 at 21:290 Comments

My first idea was to use a telescopic rod that is clamped into the sides of the window for mounting the hardware. This principle is also used for rods that are clamped into door frames for doing push ups. Those hold 100 kg easily, so I think that this is a promising approach to explore.
For my experiments I bought a telescopic rod for mounting cat nets on balconies. It is sturdy but overpriced. If my experiments are successful, I will publish details on building one from scratch.

I constructed a simple frame for holding a 100 W solar panel at an ideal angle of 32° from U-shaped aluminium profile and 3D-printed parts. The prototype is mounted in the window of friend's houseway higher than planned just for easier access when tinkering.

