
Now They Say That "The Script Will Just Write Itself?"

A project log for Using A.I. to create a Hollywood Script.

Use of an inexpensive microcontroller as a creative adjunct, by incorporating principles of an AI. Be VERY AFRAID!

glgormanglgorman 09/04/2023 at 21:220 Comments

So I got an e-mail from Grammarly, which stated that last week I was more productive than 99% of users, as well as being more accurate than 99% percent of users, and using more unique words than 99% percent of users.  Then they want me to upgrade to "premium".  Why?  Silly Rabbits!?!  Even if I came nowhere near my goal of creating 3,000 words per day of new content. Somehow they think that I "reviewed 2,313,130" words, which might mean that I spell-checked the same 46,000-word document something like 50 times, or thereabouts, so I am not sure that that is a meaningful number since it doesn't really reflect the amount of new content that I actually created, whether I uploaded it or not, to this site, or any other site, that is.

Yet the claim that I personally used 4,487 "unique words" is kind of interesting; since  I just so happened to be commenting in an earlier post about the idea of counting the total number of words in a document, along with the number of times that each word is being used, so as to be able to do things like base LLM like attentional systems on any of a number of metrics, such as categorizing words as either "frequent, regular, or unique" which I meant to imply as meaning "seen only once", as opposed to "distinct", which might have a similar meaning.  Still, 4,487 words don't seem like a lot, especially if I was working on a "theory of the geometrization of space-time", On the one hand, while I somehow seem to remember seeing somewhere that based on widely accepted statistics, that number also comes pretty close to the typical vocabulary of the average five-year-old.

Meanwhile, in other news - there is a headline that I saw the other day about "how the script will just write itself".  Uh-huh, sure.  Maybe it will - maybe I could just chat it up with a dense late 90's vintage chatbot as I have been doing, and will "just somehow" get some dialog worthy of a network sitcom.  But creating the "training set" that makes that possible is another matter altogether.  Funny, now I am thinking out loud about what might happen if I register this "project" with WGA, and then submit a letter of interest to one of the A.I. companies that claim that they will be willing to pay up to $900,000 for a "prompt engineer", or whatever - if anyone actually believes that those jobs aren't going to actually get filled with people from India or the Philippines, who will "work" for 85 cents per hour.  Or else maybe I could write to Disney, and see if they get back to me about how I trained an AI on the Yang-Mills conjecture, and see if they say "too complicated",  too many words - just like someone once said to Mozart, about "Too Many Notes", regarding a certain piece.  Oh, what fun, even if the only union that I was ever a member of was "United Teachers of Richmond, CA" back in the late 90's.
