
Figuring out the inside

A project log for Solder Ninja Tweezers

USB-Powered Soldering Tweezers compatible with Weller RTW Tips

nicolas-schurandoNicolas Schurando 08/08/2023 at 10:000 Comments

I have an initial shape I'm happy with, but now comes the difficult task of figuring out the inside. The tip will be dictating a lot of the design as its insertion distance is almost 3 cm long.

I'm favoring a mostly uni-body design. The main aluminum part will have its opening closed by a plastic piece where the tip mates; I'm hoping for plastic to provide a smoother insertion of the tip.

Because of the mating connector only existing in a vertical configuration, the electronics are composed of two boards, at a right angle, joined by solder. Routing of the boards is next, stay tuned!
